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Reepham Messy Church meal
Messy Church – St Mary’s and St Michael’s, Reepham 

The two course meal at Reepham Messy Church gives helpers and families the opportunity to eat and chat together and build a sense of community. 

Norfolk feeds 5000logo243Reepham Messy Church is an outreach of St Mary's and St Michael's Church in Reepham, North Norfolk.  On the third or fourth Thursday of most months, at 3.30pm, they provide an hour of crafts and activities related to the bible story of the day, then a short 'celebration' (worship time with lively songs, the story, often told by means of puppets, and prayer) followed by a two-course meal.

There is no change for any of this but donations are welcome.
Rachel Richmond, who coordinates Reepham Messy Church said: "Having a cooked two course meal as part of our Messy Church, where helpers and families eat and chat together, builds our sense of community, gives the Mums a break as they don't have to cook when they get home and provides a good nourishing meal (with second helpings) for families who are struggling to cope."


Project: Reepham Messy Church
Who: St Mary’s and St Michael’s, Reepham
What: Messy Church
Where: Reepham
When: Monthly
Numbers: 50 people on average, up to 79 meals max
Contacts: Rachel Richmond - Messy Church co-ordinator, at or 01603 871000
Facebook: @MessyChurchReepham

Published: 28/05/2017