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Sheringham methodists Do Drop
Do Drop In – Sheringham Methodist Church

'Do Drop In' community cafe opened in Sheringham Methodist Church in May 2016.  Those who attend enjoy a jacket potato with filling plus dessert and a 'joke of the week'.

Norfolk feeds 5000logo243'Do Drop In' community cafe opened in St Andrew's Methodist Church, Sheringham in May 2016 arising out of the vibrant 'Community Matters' cafe based at Cromer Methodist Church.

It meets every Wednesday. Tea and coffee is served from 11am followed by lunch at 12 noon offering jacket potatoes with salad and a choice of fillings plus a dessert.
Those who attend are a cross section of the community and they include lonely, vulnerable older folk. A warm welcome is given to friends from 'Independence Matters' - the Sheringham project for adults with learning difficulties.
There is no charge because they wish to reflect the generous love of God, although the optional donations mean it is self-funding.
Team Leader Barbara George said “We seek to express the love of God in action which is the basis for building a strong community. We have seen the growth of love and care for each other among the members which is an inspiration. Our weekly feature of 'joke of the week' draws us together with members sometimes contributing!”



Project: Do Drop In
Who: St Andrew's Methodist Church, Sheringham
What: Community Meal
Where: Cromer Road, Sheringham
When: Weekly on Wednesdays
Numbers: 30 to 40 each week. 140 meals per month.
Contacts: Barbara George, Team Leader on or 01263 822003
Facebook Sheringham Methodist church

Published: 09/06/2017