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SOUL Community - SOUL Church

Every Friday, SOUL Church serves a free hot meal to the community – and transport from the city centre so people are able to access it.

Norfolk feeds 5000logo243The SOUL Community meal at SOUL Church on Mason Road in Norwich is available to anyone at all - someone who's homeless and hungry or someone in the local community who wants to come out and meet people. Nobody is ever turned away.

The church runs a minibus that stops at the City Reach building and Bishopsbridge House and numbers have been increasing since this transport has been provided.
The meal is prepared by volunteers with mainly donated food from Tesco’s Fareshare scheme, which aims to reduce waste and alleviate poverty.  
Outreach Leader Katie Allen said, “We hope in the future to develop what we offer by running courses alongside, which would be of use to people. We do have a washing machine and shower available for the homeless community that visits.”


Project: SOUL Community
Who: SOUL Church, Norwich
What: Free meal offered every Friday
Where: Soul Church, 4 Mason Road, Norwich
How many: 70 people every week
Contact: Katie Allen, Outreach Leader at
Facebook: @soulchurchuk
Twitter: @soulchurchuk         

Published: 06/06/2017