The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norwich services to bless holy Chrism oils 

During Holy Week, Chrism services to bless the holy oils were held in both of Norwich's two cathedrals in front of large congregations drawn from across two dioceses.

At 11am on Monday March 25, people gathered in Norwich Anglican Cathedral for the Chrism Eucharist (pictured above). At this poignant service clergy from around the Diocese come together to renew the vows made at their ordinations, remembering the ministry to which they are called.

The Bishop of Norwich also blessed three oils for baptism, confirmation, and healing: the Oil of the Sick is the first oil to be blessed by the Bishop for the Church’s ministry of wholeness and healing; the Oil of Baptism which is used in the preparation of those to be baptised; the Oil of Chrism has perfume and balsam added to give it a sweet smell. This oil is used by the Bishop at Confirmation and Ordination as a sign of anointing with the Holy Spirit. 

Meanwhile on Tuesday March 26, Bishop Peter Collins, the Bishop of East Anglia, led the annual diocesan Chrism Mass, attended by hundreds of clergy and laity from right across the diocese, gathered within the Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Norwich. This celebration witnessed the blessing and distribution of the sacred oils – the Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of the Sick, and the Oil of Chrism.

In his homily, Bishop Peter delved into the essence of our baptismal calling, he said: “In his ‘Passover’, Christ opened our access to the fountain of grace through Baptism. Through our baptism, the foundation sacrament, we become an anointed people, a holy people.”

He then went on to say: “Michelangelo’s painting of the Creation of Man on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel leaves a space between the finger of the Creator and the finger of the creature. In Christ, Creation is brought to completion in the Redemption. What is unfulfilled in us is united to what is accomplished in Christ. In Christ, the words of the prophet Isaiah are fulfilled: ‘The spirit of the Lord has been given to me, for the Lord has anointed me.’ In Christ, we are drawn into a purposeful mission: ‘To bring good news to the poor, to bind up hearts that are broken, to proclaim liberty to captives, freedom to those in prison, comfort to all those who mourn.’”

Addressing the clergy present, Bishop Peter underscored their sacred duties: “Priests are charged with nurturing a love for their bishop made manifest in faithful and generous obedience… My brothers, fidelity and obedience are fruits of humility.” He also elaborated on the significance of the holy oils, “The pre-baptismal anointing with the Oil of Catechumens signifies a cleansing and a strengthening… The post-baptismal anointing with Sacred Chrism, and its further reception in the Sacrament of Confirmation, enables the full ‘Profession’ of the faith of the Church… The anointing with Sacred Chrism at ordination is truly a sign of consecration, an intimacy shared through the bishop with Christ the High Priest… For those who are seriously ill there is the Anointing of the Sick, the healing touch that is imparted through an anointing on the forehead and hands.”

Following the Mass, people were invited to the Cathedral Narthex and gardens to enjoy hot cross buns.

Pictured below is Bishop Peter blessing the holy oils.

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