
Former drug addict speaks at Norwich dinner 

Former drug addict and now support worker for homeless addicts, Steven Kerr, was the speaker at the February meeting of Norwich FGB.

Steven says he had the perfect childhood, or so he thought, but then came a journey to a children's home, a joyride, lots of prison, cannabis, smack and crack.
Now a Senior Support Worker for the Homeless, Steven’s journey has been challenging, from darkness to light, but God has always been close.
At 15, Steven’s life was dramatically changed when his parents divorced and he found himself in the care system; a life that was on track suddenly spiralled out of control. Daily crime, like shoplifting and joyriding, was a ‘given’, and the consequence was always prison. Steven ended up destitute, and asked God to either use him or take him home. 

He stopped taking drugs and dedicated himself to seeking first the kingdom of God. He met his lovely wife Kathy, and she could see the qualities God could see.
They've been married seven years and Steven has been a senior Support Worker for the last three years and oversees three homeless addiction recovery houses. Together they are a team, and  love helping those who are broken to find a better life in Jesus.

For more information, contact Barrie Lawrence at or 07786 381344 for further details.
Pictured above is special dinner guest speaker Steven Kerr with wife Kathy.

Published: 30/01/2022