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Graham Kendrick delights audience in Gorleston church

2018: St Andrew’s church in Gorleston was filled to capacity on the night of Thursday May 17 as people from across the area gathered for an evening of live music and worship with renowned singer-songwriter Graham Kendrick.

Graham, often described as the father of modern church music, has been writing and recording songs for more than thirty years.  As the evening light streamed through the stained-glass windows, Graham and his band, bass guitarist Simon Dennis with Terl Bryant on percussion, delighted the audience with classics such as Shine Jesus Shine and The Servant King, alongside songs from Graham’s newly released album Keep the Banner Flying High.
Picking up on the ten-day global wave of prayer, Thy Kingdom Come, the aisles resounded to a chorus of voices proclaiming the Lord’s Prayer, as Graham led the audience in the worship that accompanied his music. An active advocate for the charity Compassion (www.compassionuk.org), Graham also shared details of their work supporting over a million children in countries across the world.
St Andrew’s has become established in Gorleston as an effective concert and community venue, with its flexible seating, triple screen projection, and professional lighting.  International singer and entertainer Jonathan Veira will be appearing at the venue next January.  Tickets for this event will be available in the autumn - see the church website for details:   www.standrewsgorleston.org.uk.
This story first appeared on https://www.networkyarmouth.co.uk
Photo of Graham Kendrick is courtesy of Stephen Gostick.

TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in East Norfolk?  

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