The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

To get up and leave the Grammys

GrammyOn Sunday evening Christian music singer songwriter Natalie Grant walked out of the Grammy Awards Ceremony provoking Norfolk Christian speaker Ruth Tong to reflect on the importance of being clear about what we stand for.  

There’s a book by a guy called John Powell called ‘Why Am I Afraid to Tell You Who I Am?’  The response from one person he asked was: “because if I tell you who I am you may not like it, and that is all that I have”.

This dialogue captures our deep need to be accepted and understood. Most of the time that’s good but there are times we need to be clear what we stand for.

I think relationship with Jesus Christ transcends denomination but it has a simple and clear message. God stepped into time in the form of a human because He loved us and wanted to give us a way by which we could freely choose to reject or accept His love. His death paid the price of sin and His resurrection gave Him and those who invite Him into their heart, victory in the spiritual war which has raged since time began. Many choose to reject anything with even a whiff of God about it – that is their free choice. Many others choose to embark on a personal voyage of discovery of who Jesus is as they journey through life.

This week in America they had the Grammy awards. It’s my understanding after reading various media reports that it was offensive to the point where one Christian singer Natalie Grant who was nominated for an award got up and left.

If sex sells and it does, shocking sex sells more. On hearing she'd left the event, the organism that is social media exploded in multi-coloured hype trying to draw her into an argument about her views on Katy Perry’s satanic ritual, Beyonce’s twerking, or the mass gay marriage ceremony which took place as part of the event’s ‘entertainment’…

But this woman gave such a wise response and I quote:

“We left the Grammy’s early. I have many thoughts about the show tonight, most of which are probably best left inside my head. But I’ll say this: I have never been more honoured to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I’ve never been more sure of the path that I’ve chosen”.

What I love about this is that she didn't criticise or judge or get caught up in foolish controversies which entangle. Nope she pointed us all to the only real celebrity, Jesus Christ and in doing so highlighted the simple truth that He alone is worthy of all glory, honour and praise.

Hugs Ruth

Photo: Grammy posted to Flickr by Cousin Jacob

Ruth Tong is the Coordinator of Women’s Ministries at Downham Market Christian Fellowship and the author of ‘Love Drops from Heaven’.  Ruth regularly blogs at http://lovedropsfromheaven.blogspot.co.uk

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