The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norwich church joins pub for carol service

eaglepubkings350St Andrew’s Church Eaton Norwich teamed up with the local Eagle pub to put on an evening of carols and mulled wine on December 11.
The Eagle staged its annual carol service along with the Choir of St Andrews church, explained Nigel Booty, manager of The Eagle pub: “Complementary mulled wine and mince pies assured a good time was had by all and a generous ‘congregation’ collected a total of £70 in aid of the Children’s Society. I would like to thank all in attendance for making the evening a success.”
Vicar of St Andrew's, Phil Rodd, said: "Pub services are great - they really get to the heart of what Christmas is all about: the eternal message of God come to earth, and bringing that message to where people really are, so that they can celebrate.  People let their hair down more readily in a pub than they tend to in church!  But it's very special at The Eagle, because everyone joins in in just the right way - the singing is raucous, there's a lot of laughter - and some people just carry on talking in their own groups; but when I lead the prayers, suddenly the whole place goes silent, and you can really sense everyone coming together to pray for our world, our nation, our city and for each other."
Director of Music at St Andrew’s, Margaret Smith, added: “The way people joined in the singing was great. We even had volunteer Wise Men come up to the microphone to lead us in We Three Kings (much better than X-Factor!) Before the service our musicians - a violinist, two flautists, my grandson on drums and percussion - joined me in playing some jazzy Christmas music, which I hope set the scene for what is a really happy, noisy yet meaningful service-in-a-pub" 
Pictured above is Nigel Booty, manager of the Eagle Pub (far left) and the other "kings" singing at the Carol Service.


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