
First female is new Transforming Norwich chair

MadelineLight400By Keith Morris

2010: Transforming Norwich has appointed a woman as its new chair for the first time ever when previous chair, Rev Nicholas Vesey, stepped down after seven years with the Greater Norwich Churches Together group.
Rev Madeline Light, prieminister at St Stephens in the city centre, was unanimously appointed at the Transforming Norwich AGM held in the Curve Theatre at the Forum on June 11 during the Celebrate Norwich & Norfolk event.
Madeline joins Vice Chair Trevor Pimlott (NFLC), Development Officer John Betts  (New Hope Christian Centre) and other executive members: John Dubbey (Kings), Tim Sweeting (YMCA Norfolk), Sarah Mintey (Open), Biddy Collyer (Pregnancy Choices), Graham Fletcher (NCBC), Mark Tuma (St Luke's), Jill Gower (Call to Prayer) and Richard Capper (Norwich Cathedral).
In his farewell address, Nicholas noted a number of major achievements during his seven years with Transforming Norwich, including a major research report on Christian volunteering in Norwich, the Big Thank You and a new name and constitution for the group. A number of major local Christian initiatives have also come out from the work started by Transforming Norwich in the past few years: Dreams & Visions, Norfolk Street Pastors, Celebrate Norwich & Norfolk, Money 4 Mission, Norwich Foodbank and the Network Norwich & Norfolk website.
ForumNickVesey350“Seven years is long enough for both me and you,” said Nicholas. “It has been great being part of it and I look forward to seeing it develop further over the coming years.”
In her acceptance speech, Madeline said: “Churches Together in Greater Norwich was a bit of a sleeping organisation but it has got a lot nosier and involved a lot more churches over the past seven years. My hope is that it will get even wider support in the future.
“It is an impressive list of achievements. Nicholas is a great believer in people and has been immensely supportive, bold and courageous.
“We both share the strong belief that Jesus loves unity alongside the diversity of God in various expressions of church in our city. The challenge is to hold together that diversity alongside unity which is epitomised by many of the Christian organisations which have been demonstrating what they do at the Celebrate event.
“Christians are able to put aside their different ideologies and work together, because churches working together create an impact.
“We have a greater imperative even that the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats to work together – the Kingdom of God will come quicker if we work together.”

Pictured top is Rev Madeline Light and, above, Rev Nicholas Vesey.

Published: 17/06/2010