The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norfolk Show Churches team need volunteers

AndrewPlatt2010: Thousands of visitors had a positive experience of the Christian message at last year’s Royal Norfolk Show in the Churches Together Tent.
This summer, the Churches Together in Norfolk and Waveney team want to repeat the success and are looking for volunteers to help them.
Last year was especially geared towards catering for children with fun activities on offer including a speed stacking challenge, messy play and ideas for creative worship, all put together by a volunteer team of around 50 people.
Chair of the Churches Tent Group, Rev Graham Miles, said: “Last year's Churches Together tent at the Norfolk Show was an excellent witness to Christian outreach in the Norfolk and Waveney area.

"We had visitors entering the tent who would not normally come in and then experienced something of the Christian message through various activities. This year we want to make it even better and we need some help.
Norfolk show 3“We are looking for people who can help with setting up and clearing away; have experience in IT or advertising; could keep simple accounts; has enthusiasm and is keen to get involved.”
If you can help then contact Revd Graham Miles, at graham.miles2@methodist.org.uk or ring 01263 732102.

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